Additional Learning Needs
Children with Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
At Ynysboeth Primary School we aim to provide both a broad and balanced curriculum whilst meeting the needs of all our learners for everyone to shine the best they can.
Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator: Mrs Rebecca Murphy
At Ynysboeth Primary School, we adopt a fully inclusive approach to education combined with universal learning provision that is able to meet a broad range of learning needs. All our staff employ a range of teaching and learning strategies along with high quality resources and a range of interventions to fully support our young people to participate in their mainstream education. If a learner may experience more complex barriers to learning that means their specific need is additional to and substantially different from their peers. In this instance we will work closely with you to develop an appropriate support pathway, possibly in conjunction with our external support partners. Communication and working together sits at the heart of this process.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the progress of your child, the first point of contact is their class teacher.
Class teachers track learner progress regularly and are able to discuss the range of support already in place or create new support plans with you. Class teachers work closely with our Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator who is responsible for co-ordinating the provision for learners with additional needs. The ALNCo is able to provide advice and support to both class teachers and parents on a range of support strategies and external partners to help learners.
Please click on the website links on this page to find out more about each section.
Here is an easy read copy of the Bill:

Additional Learning Needs (ALN) in Wales is changing. Let’s see what is happening...
What will happen?

A Parent's Guide to Additional Learning Needs
If you are unsure of the Additional Learning Needs process then please open the link below. The animation video will help you understand what will happen.

Sometimes children have difficulty understanding what the teacher is asking. This video will explain how children can feel and what they and the teacher can do.
If you are unsure what your teacher is saying to you open the link below:

If you are not happy with the support you're getting at school
If you are not happy with the support you’re getting at school open the link below and watch the animation. It will show you the next step.

Additional Learning Needs in Wales
What’s happening?
The ALN system is the new statutory support system for children and young people aged 0 to 25 in Wales with ALN that came into force in September 2021.
The legislative framework of the new system is created by the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 (‘the Act’), the ALN Code for Wales and regulations made under the Act. Through this statutory framework the Welsh Government aims to ensure that all learners with ALN are supported to overcome barriers to learning and can achieve their full potential, by creating a unified legislative framework to support all children of compulsory school age or below with additional learning needs (ALN) and to support young people with ALN who are in school or further education (FE); an integrated, collaborative process of assessment, planning and monitoring of the support provided to ALN learners which facilitates early, timely and effective interventions; and a fair and transparent system for providing information and advice, and for resolving concerns and appeals.
The Act replaces the terms ‘special educational needs (SEN)’ and ‘learning difficulties and/or disabilities (LDD)’ with the new term ‘additional learning needs (ALN)’. All children and young people with ALN regardless of the severity or complexity of their learning difficulty or disability will be entitled to a statutory support plan called an ‘Individual Development Plan’ (IDP). Children and young people with ALN will receive support called additional learning provision (ALP) which will be set out in their IDP.
RCT Learning Support service also has a series of services that will help you with ALN. Click on the links that will take you to the sites.
Useful Information on ALNET Act and Appeals for parents
We hope that this information will be helpful.
If you feel that you still need help or clarification on points then please do not hesitate to come and speak to us.
Mrs R. Murphy